About Us

The Standards
Are Higher Here

DOG Daycare Jakarta started in 2013, based on love and care to dogs, we create a new concept for them. We do really care about dogs, and we agree that they deserve a better place to play and stay. As a Pawrent, we also think that a safe, clean, happy, comfortable and free place for our four-legs kids would be so GREAT!

We don’t use cages for dogs so that they can learn to socialize with friends, and feel like home.ย  We also centered all activities on day-time and resting time at night. Dogs would have a better life schedule, happier and stay behave when they are back home.

As a Pawrent, we don’t need to feel worried anymore when leaving four-legs kids for holiday or working. They would stress-less, happier, healthy and safe. We can leave them for holiday-time too at Dog Daycare Jakarta.


First Class Care

Dog Daycare Jakarta provides premium dry-food by Proplan for Adult Dogs and Puppies. We mixed their drink with Oxyfresh Oral Hygiene for their health mouth and teeth. We also give fish-oil for every dog, to make sure their coat stay soft, shiny and healthy.

Cages Free

We don't use any cages for your dogs. They can play around and learn to socialize with other dogs. They'll have GREAT experiences about making new friends and understand home's rules. The most important is DOG Daycare Jakarta will be their second home, stress-less environment and stay happy when they are home.

9+ Years in Business

DOG Daycare Jakarta started in 2013, based on love and care to dogs, we create a new concept for them. We do really care about dogs, and we agree that they deserve a better place to play and stay.

Little Guardian

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Hi my name is Chacha, I was born in January 2011. I am the first four legs kid in DDJ. I always look cute and cheerful. When you come to see me, please pretend that you don’t see me. I will come closer to you and ask you to pet me, with one hand only. As an old Sister at DDJ, I made some rules :
  1. ย I am the first host here. So just always be nice to me.
  2. My bowl and food is only mine!
  3. Don’t take other’s bowl/food except they don’t want it anymore.


Hi I am Luna, I was born on March 2013. You will not always see me when you come. I will stay upstairs and looking at you from a distance. I don’t really like new people and crowdedness. I need my own privation, and quality time with my Mom. Yes I am too shy sometime, but I have a very sweet smile๐Ÿ˜ Just ask my Mom to call me for snacks, I will appear in a second!๐Ÿ˜†


Hey! Nice to see you, I am Stitch ready to help and be your host.
I was adopted in early 2016, but I’ve been living with my Mom since I was 4 months old in
2015. I love to meet new friends and welcoming people around. I will little bit shy with new people sometimes. But as long you give me snacks I can be really nice to you .

Ramoa Story

Yayy somebody coming! ๐Ÿ˜†I am Ramoa, will be your best usher and would like to see you
all! I will jump, hugs and kiss you a lot! Please let my mom know if I am too heavy, I will always forget that I am heavy and act like little doggy when I am too excited. ๐Ÿ˜œ
I am so happy doing my duties as usher for 3 years lately. Before I’ve been left behind on
clinic when I am 1 ’till 2 y.o. And I am adopted by my Mom too, so I have the best life ever since that! ๐Ÿ˜

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